Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I went to a few places today and finally found a good replacement for the keyboard. It was not quite as pricey as I thought and it sort of matches our nice Mac computer. I guess Chris is off the hook. Now we can look for a new digital camera to replace the one he lost in Mexico... :)


Eliza said...

You guys have a Mac?!?!?! I'm not jealous just curious...

Mom/Linda said...

I'm so proud of you! You've become a blogger! This is a great way for family members to share news and photos. You will have to get Jennifer and Keith obnboard.

Eric White said...

Chris has it down....
you want a new keyboard? OOPS.
you want a new camera? OOPS.

accidents happen. Chris is doing his part to keep the economy rolling.

good to see you guys blogging.