Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Christopher Picasso

I thought you all out there should know that not only is Chris kind, a very talented musician, good at Wii Bowling, and an awesome train conductor... he is also a very creative artist. Many of you would probably be surprised to know that he has been a closet painter since I have known him. It is just so funny because every once in a while when the mood strikes, without any word or planning, he will just whip out some paints and make a painting in like 30 minutes. (He earned his own painting supplies for Valentines Day because during his last creative episode my brushes were "somehow" destroyed-see my previous post:)) His work is in the contemporary abstract style, and he often uses uncommon material and tools. This painting he did yeserday was made with a knife and a medicine dropper, and is oil on canvas. I thought I would show off for him because I think it's pretty cool. I just love my quirky guy. To quote "Shrek", he is an onion; so many layers.


Mom/Linda said...

Wow! The whole Rossetto family is brimming with creativity! Next we'll be hearing that Jack and Brother have taken up interpretive dance.

emily w. said...

I love it Chris! I always knew you were a Renaissance man. Eric painted me a couple pictures when he was in Korea. Looks like there's more than one guy in this family in the artistic closet. Wait a minute...that didn't sound good.

emily w. said...

Just one more thing...We should have known Chris had a sensitive side. Just look at that adorable blue flower he's wearing in your blog header photograph.

Eliza said...

It sounds like all the men in the family are fairly creative.

Carl- we all know he made a lovely owl cross stitch years ago

Sean- the guy oozes creativity

Eric and Chris- both outed here by their wives

Jerm- had a lead roll in his jr. high operetta hehehe I laugh evertime that one comes up

Dad- ??? um... well... someone help me here

Mom/Linda said...

Don't you remember the year Dad designed and sewed Christmas stockings?